Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How I Walked Away From Student Loans

I just read an article titled "3 Ways to Avoid a Student Loan Debt Crisis". I thought it was a great article as a lot of my friends I graduated with in the spring will soon be dealing with that monthly payment. Here is the link

3 Ways to Avoid a Student Loan Debt Crisis

In my opinion, the best way to avoid student loan debt is to not take any. It can be done! I did it. Here is how:
  • When I first started I attended community colleges and took as many classes I possibly could in this setting. I was even ridiculed saying that nobody would take me seriously because I attend community college. I beg to differ! While attending community college my actual books were more expensive than tuition and being a non-traditional student it was a friendly setting for me. I don't feel like I received any less of an education because I took my basic classes there.
  • Speaking of books, instead of paying for the obscene prices at the book store I purchased my books from a website call This site would scour the web and find the sites where the book was being sold and listed them from cheapest to most expensive. I probably saved hundreds of dollars using this site. Also, I would re-sell them after the semesters on Amazon and get premium dollar. There was more than one occasion where I made money!
  • Once I utilized all options at the community college level, I transferred to a university. I picked a university not because of it's name or prestige, but one that was affordable and offered me what I needed. I could have went to the more prestigious university on the other side of the street but I would have paid triple the costs and their business program didn't even have the high accreditation as the one I chose. 
  • I also took advantage of the school's payment plan. For a very small fee it allowed me to make my tuition payments on a monthly basis during that semester.
  • If I had a semester where I could only pay for 4 classes instead of 5, that is what I did. Yes, it took me a little longer to complete my degree but I have no regrets.  
  • Once I was at the university level I was more active in pursuing scholarships and grants. There were two grants I found that applied to me and helped immensely! In fact, one of my semesters was free.
  • Lastly, when I needed help instead of walking into the financial aid office I got a job. One time I worked in a shoe store (not fun!) and then I worked on campus. Would it have been much easier on myself to just take a loan? Sure! But I just kicked in my time management skills. 
I am very proud of myself for sticking it out and getting my degree, but I have to honestly say that I am really proud I graduated with no student loan debt. Please understand I am not putting anyone down if you took loans, but I just wanted to share how I did it. Although I did not use my husband's GI Bill, the two grants I received were solely because I am a military spouse. In addition, my husband has a decent income and he shared it with me. 

I do know for many, student loans are inevitable and are a great resource for getting an education. But I do see too many instances where students walk away with an exuberant amount of loans and got a degree that does not compensate for it. This was addressed in the article.

I am working full-time and come January, I will start my graduate program. Looking ahead, I should be able to pay for schooling without going into debt. I will be attending the same university as I can not beat the price and the graduate program I will be studying in is ranked very highly and has the coveted accreditation I look for. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Checking In

My life feels very "in limbo" right now. I have been very busy but with nothing exciting. It seems all I do is just countdown the days until Doug gets here for his R&R (by the way is 20 days, give or take a day).  I should do a better job of posting and I promise to TRY and do better.

Last weekend the boys and I drove to our favorite beach, Onslow. The reason why we love it so much is because it is on a Marine base, Camp Lejune, and we don't have to deal with tourists and crowds. Over the summer my cousin Joe, who is a Marine, relocated there. So, we spent a night with him and his family which was great. I can't tell you how nice it is just knowing family is only 2 hours away! I had a good time talking, catching up, and reminiscing about when we were children living in North Dakota. You know...the Good Ole' Days!

Douglas had a rough week. He dislocated his thumb during football practice. Thankfully he did not fracture it, but still is out for a while. Hopefully he will be cleared to play after his follow-up appointment Thursday with his doctor.

Douglas and I also got to preview his senior pictures this week on his photographers blog page. Click HERE to go check them out. I'm excited to see them all later this week.

Cameron started football practice this week. I'm telling you, between the two boys this is always the most stressful time of year but I sure do enjoy watching my boys out on the field. I will work on getting some pictures of them in their football gear.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's been a long time

I had the funniest phone conversation today with my husband. I was sitting at work and a random number popped up on my cell phone from NY. Here is the conversation...

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hey!
Me: Hi?
Caller: How are you?
Me: Good. Who is this?
Caller: Doug!
Me: Ummmm...okay?
Caller: I was watching a movie and thought I would call and see what you are up to.
Me: Who is this again?
Caller: DOUG!
Me: I think you have the wrong number.
Caller: No I don't!

Just as I was about to hang up I heard the caller laugh and realized it was Doug!!!! In my defense, this is only the third phone call I have received from him since he has been deployed. We talk everyday by texting on our iPhone/iPad, chatting on Facebook, and Facetime. And he has NEVER been able to call me on my cell phone before. I thought one of my friends was playing a very bad joke on me.

This is what happens when your husband is deployed for such a long time. I haven't seen him in 7 months!

Doug did receive good news this week though. His report date to Germany was moved back to June 15th. This ensures he will be here for Dougie's graduation and we will be together as a family again once he comes home. The thought of his deployment ending and having to report to Germany 6 weeks later was heartbreaking, but someone in a higher place understood he needed to be with us instead. THANK YOU!!!

Things just keep falling into place for us!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hot Dog Spaghetti

Thanks to my addiction to Pinterest, Cameron and I had a little fun with his dinner tonight.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We are moving I have a confession. I re-started to blog because Doug got orders to Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Although it is logistically going to be a nightmare, I couldn't be more excited! As it stands right now Doug will return from his year deployment in Afghanistan by New Year's and has to report to Ramstein by the end of February. However, Dougie will be a senior and the boys and I will stay here in NC until he graduates. Depending on Dougie's college situation I don't know when Cameron and I will be joining Doug.

Great assignment, crappy timing!! 

The idea of being apart from Doug again sucks, but I take comfort in the fact that we can hop on a plane and go see him or vice versa. We have fingers and toes crossed that his request for delayed reporting gets approved!

 I know some of you are chuckling at me for that dare I ask the military to empathize for us!

Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm back

I have decided to return to the world of blogging. I did it for many years until it just got to be too much with school. To pacify my guilty feelings of neglecting my blog I deleted it. Out of sight, out of mind, right?! Facebook has kept me in touch with everyone, but frankly I get so sick and annoyed with Facebook. Hmmm…could write a whole blog just on that alone! Anyway, just as the last blog, this one is created solely to keep family and friends updated with what’s going on in my world. My writings have no rhyme or reason, just a journal of sorts to keep in touch with you. Also, please keep your chuckles to yourself as I am not a writer. Grammar and spelling are not my expertise. I know many of you will be happy I’m back as you have clearly let me know your disappointment when I deleted the last blog. So, check in as I will try to post often and welcome back!