Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Birthday Boy...

Well, today was the big day. Douglas turned 18 and became an official adult. He got a little scared when I said I have no more legal obligation to feed him anymore. In between going to baseball games with his Grandpa we got a little fun in. I just can't believe how fast the last 18 years have gone. For many years Doug and I got a lot of grief because we do everything with our kids. We may have a date night twice a year, in fact the boys have always gone with us on our Anniversary dinner. In addition, we have only gone on one vacation without the kids. My thought was, if I get 80-some good years on this Earth, I only get my kids for 18 of those years. It's a very short time!!! So, we always tried to create memories every chance we got. This is just our way, and I certainly don't think there is anything wrong for those of you who do create more adult time. It was just our preference. I suppose it was one of the perks of having kids so young, Doug and I will have oodles of time to spend together while we still have our drivers licenses. 

I was out early this morning in my PJ's creating this masterpiece. 

Grandma and I spent the evening blowing up all these balloons and snuck them into his room while he was asleep this morning. 

His birthday present, a new car stereo so he can plug in and play his tunes off his phone. My brother and I spent 2 hours taking apart his car to put it in the night before but realize neither one of us knows jack about wiring. LOL 

Birthday dinner

He loves it when we sing to him!

He finally complied to being happy after I kicked him under the table

The birthday party people! It was all fun until Ella became the party pooper...literally!

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